for amusement purposes

eddie mauri
Posts: 57
Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:36 am

klr storage question.............

Post by eddie mauri » Mon Feb 27, 2017 9:46 am

The more I think about it, the more I lean towards selling the KLR if I take the job with extended travel.  The thing is that I have grown attached to the bike.  I have it "farkelized" it just as I want; other than replacing a seal/gasket or two, it is mechanically sound (it is a 2003).  The thing about selling it is that with its green (faded to near bone white) plastics (held on by zip ties) and the patina (rust) it is worth what? $1000 at most.  That's why I shy away from selling.  But, I do appreciate all of the comments from y'all on how to store long term if I go that route.
Long ago I made a decision not to buy another cage or KLR until the ones that I have now die.  I have a Toyota truck and the KLR.  Both are running fine and I have not hit "the point of diminishing return" where I am doing repairs every other day.  In fact, I have not had to touch (repair) either.  Knock on wood.

Dale Schedler
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klr storage question.............

Post by Dale Schedler » Mon Feb 27, 2017 10:11 am

Just out of a morbid curiosity, how much are your storage costs? You renting a storage place?
On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 9:43 AM, eddie mauri eddiebmauri@... [DSN_KLR650]> wrote: [u][/u] The more I think about it, the more I lean towards selling the KLR if I take the job with extended travel. The thing is that I have grown attached to the bike. I have it "farkelized" it just as I want; other than replacing a seal/gasket or two, it is mechanically sound (it is a 2003). The thing about selling it is that with its green (faded to near bone white) plastics (held on by zip ties) and the patina (rust) it is worth what? $1000 at most. That's why I shy away from selling. But, I do appreciate all of the comments from y'all on how to store long term if I go that route. Long ago I made a decision not to buy another cage or KLR until the ones that I have now die. I have a Toyota truck and the KLR. Both are running fine and I have not hit "the point of diminishing return" where I am doing repairs every other day. In fact, I have not had to touch (repair) either. Knock on wood.

Martin Earl
Posts: 231
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2003 10:00 pm

for amusement purposes

Post by Martin Earl » Tue Feb 28, 2017 12:12 pm

FOR ENTERTAINMENT VALUE ONLY: I would give the Craig's list ad a 4.75/5.0 for originality, imagination, and humor.The bike should sell handily. ref: mcy/5992357999.html I thought his scenario point about the KLR/cockroaches being an apocalyptic bike was a stretch; amusing, but a stretch.He could also suggest, from the [u]Book of Hesitations-Preparation H[/u], Chap6vs13 "Blessed are he that stores 5K gallons of gasoline (with stabilizer, what ever that might be) and has bought 100 sets of plugs and ignition points for his (sic) 1971 Ford.The '71 Ford was the last vehicle I owned with points, which would have been a good car to have kept if the body had not rusted off of it completly.and....Good luck hiding all that fuel from the zombies. yawn. In my view, the apocalypse begins with 'the big one' accompanied by EMP (electromagnetic pulse) that will destroy all electronic gadgets that are operating, including the KLR electronic ignition if it is operating. (as I understand it). Feel free to correct this notion if it is incorrect.In many scenarios,EMP near a major power substation causes many connecting power grids to fail as well. If you are in the affected radius of the EMP (however large that is), you will be significantly effected, to include your quartz watch, and it is going to be a mess.A very realistic scenario is depicted by Pat Frank's, [u]Alas Babylon[/u] is worth re-reading.Yet, I digress. IVO KLR ad's for sale:I once had a conversation with fellow posting friend Jeff Saline and how we would offer our bike for sale.You would have to deliberately spoof nearly all the ads (which the Craig's lister did) that suggest, never dropped, stored every night in a garage, and never rained on.And, no doubt, there are those bike out there that fit that description.I was the 4th owner of my first KLR, a 2001 with 2005smiles that was near spotless and had zero sun fade.Which immediately begs the question, why did THREE previous people buy a KLR? shrug. So, my ad would contain:If you are looking for a bike that has been a garage queen, never dropped, and the oil changed every 500 miles, this is NOT the bike for you. The plastic is faded, scratched, and in some places cracked.The underside is greasy, and the seat is 'polished' from miles and miles of smiles.and should you have to ask;Yes, it has been dropped. If you throw a leg over a KLR, you will drop it as well. Probably in the first week of ownership, at least twice.Yes, it has been rained on. If you ride a KLR, you will get rained on.It has been hailed on while riding across the Dakota prairie; I don't recommend it while you are riding it as it will feel like you are being stoned at (sic) 70mph. Yes, it will fall over in the garage, at the gas station, into other motorcycles, and of course, almost always in front of an audience. It has spent many nights in the garage, and many nights outside.It will find, 'nails, thorns, and sharp objects that cut tires and tubes' if you, "Throw a leg over it."It has taken me to ~20+ states, allowed me to meet some amazing people, and landed me in more emergency rooms that my fun meter will measure.It has given me nearly 70K miles of pleasure, and it will give you the same experiences as well.I had fun; so will you. ps. "You don't buy a motorcycle to save money; you buy a motorcycle because it is fun." Linda T. of Pittsburg By this 'measure' "a KLR should be illegal because you have an immeasurable amount of fun for a such a small amount of investment." revmaaatin. revmaaatin. who hears that the cockroach portion of the apocalypse/equation works well they are place in peanut oil at 350F.
On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 9:36 AM, cycletip@... [DSN_KLR650]> wrote: Most entertaining. Almost in your league Rev. But not quite!

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