shifter tightening

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nklr stoppies (in the criminal sense)

Post by FGJ » Wed Oct 03, 2001 12:30 pm

> > There's a great book about the political left by a black American > > acedemic " Vision of the Annointed " " The Politics of self
> > " > > you might enjoy reading it. > > > > Fred J > > > > > Yeah, Tom Sowell. It's a great read. > > Bogdan
Bogdan It's a great book for sure and Tom S. is an extraordinarily courageous man, I think it takes lots of testicular fortitude for a Black American to be conservative and go against the grain of politically correct "black think" I have an inordinate amount of commie friends and each one I've given the book got really upset, a few didn't speak to me for a while, which let me know they actually read it :-) Fred J

Riley Harlton
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nklr stoppies (in the criminal sense)

Post by Riley Harlton » Wed Oct 03, 2001 12:32 pm

Yes we sometimes make up for low gun fatalities by letting people die of untreated cancer. ;-) We all have our beliefs and all societies make their own compromises. Who is right? Seems to be a lot of places where people are happy with their system. Just another choice I guess. Riley Montreal Bogdan Swider wrote:
> > Yes having so many fewer guns in Canada has resulted in far fewer deaths > > per capita, but we have learned to live with that. > > > > Riley > > Montreal > > > Is that why the health care system is taking a dump ? ( At least in Ontario > where I go regularly ) Too many live people ? > > Bogdan >
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

steve pye
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nklr stoppies (in the criminal sense)

Post by steve pye » Wed Oct 03, 2001 12:52 pm

>Nearly 90% of the Canuck population is concentrated within 160km of the US >border. One would assume that a large percentage of their military is also >within this zone. And we sit here and do nothing. I don't trust them, >with their beady eyes and flapping heads. Where is acid rain when you need >it? > >RM
LOL! Yeah, cause you guys should really worry about our military these days! Well known Canadian columist Allen Fotheringham once described one part of our military as follows: " The Canadian Navy couldn't take on the B.C. Ferry system and win!" Cheers, Ol' flappy head

nklr stoppies (in the criminal sense)

Post by » Wed Oct 03, 2001 12:55 pm

Right you are, the crime rate overall is primarily a function of the state of the economy, and specifically the absolute number of unemployed men between the ages of 16 and 24 (as my memory serves, might have been 26). However, the rate of violent crime goes down very sigificantly as the rate of concealed handgun carry goes up, no matter what the overall crime rate is doing. Florida was the first state to demonstrate that relationship. -- Marc, Kawasaki KLR650 A12, Loveland, Colorado, USA ----Original Message-----
>From: Dan Oaks >To: FGJ ;>; >Subject: Re: [DSN_klr650] Re: NKLR stoppies (in the criminal sense) >Date: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 07:02 > >I believe that any law abiding citizen that is capable of learning how to >use a firearm and has the desire to own one should be able to own one. > >But to attach the rise and fall of violent crimes to gun ownership is >unreasonable. > >Every politician that has been in office for the past 10 years and every law >enforcement agency, and every non-gun owner, and every gun owner wants >credit for the downturn in violent crime. > >In fact, violent crimes go up and down most radically with the turn of the >economy. Jobs keep people off the street, and give people the sense of >accomplishment and of belonging. > >Christmas should be banned because violent crime increases near and during >the Holidays. > >Get your guns ready boys, the economy is going to hell, and Christmas is >coming. > >Don't tell me about how many people are killed by guns unless you're willing >to include statistics of how many asses were saved by guns during the same >period of time, and in the same society. > >Guns save many more lives than they take. > >In the case of suicide, guns save untold lives. How many more people would >die at the hands of a suicidal driver in 4000 lb. Buick at 120 mph. > >If I were a criminal I would pick on people that relied on cell phones, >alarms, and the authorities for their security. It's proven to be the safer >choice for criminals every day. It was proven again on September 11, 2001. > >I carry a gun and a cell phone in my vehicle (legal). If I am carjacked by a >criminal with a cell phone, I will trade him tit-for-tat with my cell phone. >But if the criminal uses any other weapon, and if the opportunity arises, I >will resort to using my gun until the authorities arrive to save my ass. > >The effectiveness of gun control and security provided by authorities is >demonstrated regularly in Ireland. Maybe we should send our cell phones to >Ireland. > >All of these arguments add up to nothing. What counts is: the US >Constitution gives every Citizen the right to protect himself and his or her >family. Whether you choose to protect yourself and your family with a cell >phone or a 357 Magnum is your business alone. You must live (or die) with >the consequenses. > >I just wish I could have handed any one of my own handguns to the crew on >United Flight 93 on September 11, 2001. Never mind the airport security, the >authorities, and the cell phones; they were proven totally worthless when >the chips were down. > >I live in Florida, where Citizens have demonstrated for several years, >beyond a shadow of a doubt to me, that carrying a gun does not result in >problems of any kind, and may even reduce the potential for same. I feel >much safer knowing that, in Florida, when I walk into McDonald's, someone is >probably legally armed with a handgun. The likelyhood of anyone gunning down >everyone there without any resistance is most remote. > >-- >bierdo > >We must learn to shoot accurately as we ride.

steve pye
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nklr stoppies (in the criminal sense)

Post by steve pye » Wed Oct 03, 2001 12:58 pm

>--- FGJ wrote: > >>Personally I'll sleep better once the Canadians are disarmed, as >>sooner or later they're going to want to get even for our previous >>invasions, (1777, 1812) and it is the largest unguarded border in the >>world, they're lulling us into a false sense of complacency with the Red >>Green schtick.
Get even?? What for? 1812? Wasn't that the time we kicked your arses back across the border then marched all the way to the White House and burned it flat to the ground?!! Don't worry, all is forgiven. We love Ya! :) Steve A11- Canadian!

David Critchley
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nklr stoppies (in the criminal sense)

Post by David Critchley » Wed Oct 03, 2001 1:01 pm

Folks, Lets look at the thing sensibly. The convicts that I speak with on a daily basis think that our nice new Canadian gun laws are wonderful, (and they really do understand), so obviously you can't please everybody. The other item; as a transplanted Brit, I read the heartfelt plea not to regard HM Govt's idea of knife control as idiocy, but you have to realize that a bad idea does not improve because of the source. The author(s) of that idea really should lay off the chemicals and get their heads on straight. Hitler's idea of an unarmed society ,(starting in 1934, I think), worked out really well for him, so again, you can't please everyone. Remember, Big Brother really wants to help us. David C marcclarke@... wrote:
> Sadly, the Canadians, the Aussies, and the Brits have each seen their nation's violent crime rates go up (not down) since effectively banning private ownership of handguns. In the ideal scenario, everyone turns in their guns and no one commits violent crimes. In the real scenario, the law-abiding citizens turn in their guns, the criminals (oh yes, the ones who we already knew do not follow the law) do not turn in their weapons, and then the criminals are treated to a guaranteed defenseless victim-rich zone. The rise in the crime rates, especially in the violent crime rates (the still-armed criminals have no fear of would-be victims being able to effectively defend themselves against an armed attack) follows naturally. > > -- Marc, Kawasaki KLR650 A12, Loveland, Colorado, USA > > ----Original Message----- > >From: S2Mumford@... > >To: > >Subject: [DSN_klr650] Re: NKLR stoppies (in the criminal sense) > >Date: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 15:38 > > > >That is patently ridiculous. > >How many 13 year olds bite or kick someone to death? > >I know all the gun enthusiasts on the list will love this, but I > >would rather there were no handguns in private ownership. > >I am enough of a realist to understand that in the USA, this will > >never happen, I mean you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube, > >there are far too many handguns out there already in the USA. But > >I'll bet not many of the UK listers worry about their kids getting > >shot on the way to school... > > > >And Fred, quit it with the name calling, OK? Just because you don't > >agree with a country's laws, does that really make them "idiots" or > >does it make you an "Ugly American" for saying that? > > > >My whole family lives in the UK except myself, my wife and kids, and > >my Mom. > > > > > >CA Stu > > >--- In DSN_klr650@y..., "Chris Rivers" wrote: > >> My, oh my. You bring up a very good point! Feet and teeth should > >be > >> illegal as well! Far to dangerous! > >> > >> Later. > >> Renn > >> A15 (Rocinante) > >> > >> I've even heard the Brit's are talking about knife control, > >> > I think once these statist idiots realize there's no way to > >enforce a > >> blunt > >> > object ban or a rock registration scenario they'll eventually end > >up > >> > suspending you all from bungee cords to preclude kicking and > >biting each > >> > other. > >> > Fred J > >> > > >> > > > > > Checkout Dual Sport News at > > Be part of the Adventure! > > Visit the KLR650 archives at > > > Post message: > Subscribe: > Unsubscribe: > List owner: > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

David Critchley
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nklr stoppies (in the criminal sense)

Post by David Critchley » Wed Oct 03, 2001 1:21 pm

You won't sleep at all well when you find out that both of Canada's soldiers have been told to pack suntan lotion before they report for their next Border guarding shift. David C RM wrote:
> --- FGJ wrote: > > >Personally I'll sleep better once the Canadians are disarmed, as > >sooner or later they're going to want to get even for our previous > >invasions, (1777, 1812) and it is the largest unguarded border in the > >world, they're lulling us into a false sense of complacency with the Red > >Green schtick. > > Nearly 90% of the Canuck population is concentrated within 160km of the US > border. One would assume that a large percentage of their military is also > within this zone. And we sit here and do nothing. I don't trust them, > with their beady eyes and flapping heads. Where is acid rain when you need > it? > > RM > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Listen to your Yahoo! Mail messages from any phone. > > > Checkout Dual Sport News at > > Be part of the Adventure! > > Visit the KLR650 archives at > > > Post message: > Subscribe: > Unsubscribe: > List owner: > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

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nklr stoppies (in the criminal sense)

Post by FGJ » Wed Oct 03, 2001 1:26 pm

> Get even?? What for? 1812? Wasn't that the time we kicked your arses
> across the border then marched all the way to the White House and burned
> flat to the ground?!! Don't worry, all is forgiven. We love Ya! :) > > Steve > A11- Canadian!
Steve I guess I kinda conveinently forgot about that, and when I think hard I guess I remember another episode (French and Indian War) where the Brits and American frontiersmen were moving on Quebec City with a huge army 15K strong if memory serves, a small contingent of French regulars, a couple of hundred Canucks that had gone native and some Indian allies were dispatched just to fight a delaying action while the city's treasury was loaded on a ship departing for France, they laid a small ambush and which the Huge army blundered into and after considerable attrition the American's got behind tree's and rocks and started taking a toll on the ambushers, the Brit. General was incensed and called on the American's to " Stand and fight uncovered like civilized soldiers" they told him to "F*&k off at which point he ordered his troops to direct thier fire at the Americans, the Army ended up being completely routed, took thousands of casualties, and the General was mortally wounded, his last words were something to do with " I'm afraid I've made a grave tactical error " ;-) In light of my refreshed historical perspective I'll have to re-think my " Canadian Invasion Theory" perhaps it's the Mexicans we need to fear ;-) Regards Fred J.

Bogdan Swider
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nklr stoppies (in the criminal sense)

Post by Bogdan Swider » Wed Oct 03, 2001 1:30 pm

> Yes we sometimes make up for low gun fatalities by letting people die of > untreated cancer. ;-) > We all have our beliefs and all societies make their own compromises. Who > is > right? Seems to be a lot of places where people are happy with their > system. > Just another choice I guess. > > Riley > Montreal > >
Good point. We all have to adapt to some degree. How would you feel being a citizen of Quebec ? Must say I had a great breakfast when I rode through a slice of your province this August. One thing the French Canucks and the Mexicans have in common: beans with your fried eggs, yum. Bogdan

steve pye
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nklr stoppies (in the criminal sense)

Post by steve pye » Wed Oct 03, 2001 4:32 pm

-----Original Message----- From: FGJ
> Your ( Canadian ) loose immigration system has apparently made up >for it as least as far as the American deaths per capita, I think Bin >Laden's >guy's and the previous WTC bombers all got here via Canada.
I believe you are right about the previous WTC bombing but media reports from the U.S. and Canada don't indicate that the terrorists involved in the Sept.11 attack necessarily all came through Canada. I have been led to believe that at least two of the dead terrorists applied for entry into Canada and were refused. If it is eventually proved that any of these terrorists entered the U.S. through Canada ( again) it will be a black day for all of us and something I think all Canadians would be eternally ashamed of. I would make one minor point in our defense however, that is that immigration into the U.S. is the responsiblility of the U.S., not Canada.
> My Uncle lives in Toronto last time I was thier it seemed more like a >suburb of Islamabad ;-)
Yup. I don't want to come across as xenophobic but I and many folks I know agree that it's time for a serious overhaul of our countries immigration policies. Cheers, Steve

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