lucas oil stabilizer (was is 20.000 miles a lot ?)

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Ted Palmer
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lucas oil stabilizer (was is 20.000 miles a lot ?)

Post by Ted Palmer » Wed Nov 21, 2001 6:38 am

jonathan.sykes@... wrote: [...]
> > I've never been one to trust oil additives, but this one sounded > interesting. Can anyone comment on this or similar products and whether > they may actually prolong engine longevity?
Ah, the old oil additive thread returns. Lucasoil sounds a lot like Moreys oil stabiliser as sold here in Oz, flows like honey and it strings like crazy. I have a few concerns with using it in an engine. F'rintance, if the stuff is so sticky and clings so well to parts, wouldn't it be harder for the rings to scrape the correct amount off the bores? And, if it does stick so well to things, wouldn't that affect how much actually gets splashed up the bore to begin with? If it so clingy and sticky, how will it flow through a paper oil filter? How sticky an oil do you need between the clutch plates when the engine is cold and you make the first shift into gear for the day? I do use Moreys in the diff oil of my 280ZX and it did quieten it a bit. Datsun IRS diffs were never particularly quiet and do not improve with age. If I had a manual tranny then I would try it out in there but I have an auto. Mister_T Melbourne Australia
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headlight protector

Post by » Wed Nov 21, 2001 6:40 am

does any one have Big Cee web site

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