radiator guards -- crash report

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Gary Webb
Posts: 16
Joined: Wed Aug 16, 2000 12:09 pm

radiator guards -- crash report

Post by Gary Webb » Sun Oct 22, 2000 3:08 am

Folks: Some observations and lessons from my recent wreck. 1. A few weeks ago, I installed a set of Happy Trails radiator guards my KLR's former owner had gotten and, despite having crashed head-on into the side of an Explorer at 40 MPH, and then downing the bike, the radiator and reservior survived intact. A slight dent on the radiator top was all the damage it sustained. 2. Had I been wearing all the gear they told me to wear in motorcycle safety class (ie. gloves and boots) I may have walked away with only a scraped knee to show for it. And if I had been wearing new Levis instead of old ones with torn out knees, I might have escaped any injury. 3. You can be on full alert and observant to every possible danger in your path, but when someone pulls out in front of you at a distance of 15 feet, you're screwed. As soon as you hit the pavement, relax and roll with it. Don't fight it. Once I was done tumbling, I flipped over on my back, stuck my arms and legs in the air, and skittered down the highway like an overturned turtle. 4. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS wear a riding jacket. My arms and torso would be hamburger right now if I hadn't had mine on. Happy Trails... Gary Webb bikeless for the moment

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