y2k at mall in tulsa

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[dsn_klr650] rr: this sunday's ride (long)

Post by Mark » Mon Jul 24, 2000 11:07 am

At 11:08 AM -0400 7/24/2000, Zachariah Mully wrote:
>loosely based on the book "Why Maryland Sucks" > > Maryland doesn't seem to likely anything vaguely >reminiscent of a forest. Yeah, we saw a couple of those old-fashioned >forests, but they were atop mountains. > Eventually we did find a set of powerlines west of Catocin >Mountain State >Park...
Shit if you were going THAT far you should have gone to PA's Michaux State Forest.
> Well it turns out that the bent radiator frame that we >had spotted after the hill climb had prevented the fan blade from spinning >and so we ended up with one melted fan blade. As soon as we saw this we >desperately tried to get the electrical system disconnected, but the removal >of the panels and seat took too long. So after disconnecting the fan we >reassembled the bike (R:"hey the tank is kinda loose" Z:"I bet the shrouds >stiffen it up" R:"Hey look at this rubber mount on the ground" Z:"Oh, here >is one on top of the engine" R+Z:"DOH!").
Wouldn't you just have to pull the electrical connection from the theroswitch at the bottom of the radiator to cut the fan out? Mark B2 A2

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[dsn_klr650] rr: this sunday's ride (long)

Post by boblfun@aol.com » Sun Jul 30, 2000 7:43 pm

OK, so it sounds like somebody else out there gives their KLR a good work out. It sounds like a similar day I had today with my son and some friends who are more into the dirt than the DS. I can honestly say I continue to be amazed at how good my bike looks after I come home and clean it, put the mirrors back on and get it ready for cruising around my small NE town to soccer games, baseball games for the kids, to the store for beer, etc. My friends seem to be equally amazed that I can hold my own with them in the real severe mud, rocks, hills, trees, stumps, cow pastures, beaver dams, small rivers, and on and on. I plan on taking it on vacation to the White Mountains next week for some cruising on the Kankamangis Highway (spelling?), etc. My wife said she'll even come out for a ride. How's that after a brief 18 years of no riding while raising our two sons. I do sometimes wonder if this is to good to be true. Like all of a sudden is the whole bike going to fall apart or something after the heavy off rode stuff on Sunday afternoon with my kid and friends. Are the wheels going to fall off on Monday while I'm driving down the interstate at 65? I need some reassurance from one of the veteran KLR guys. Assuming of course you read this far into the e-mail. Let me know? Having a blast but concerned in New England. Boblfun@...

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y2k at mall in tulsa

Post by liv4klr650@aol.com » Sun Jul 30, 2000 9:33 pm

i was at eastland mall in tulsa oklahoma today and spotted a y2k klr, was it any of ya'all?? john gonzales 1998 klr650 1994 fourtrax

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