scotchguard now cat converters(long)

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scotchguard now cat converters(long)

Post by » Thu May 18, 2000 1:20 am

Here's something that I would have thought would be a HUGE deal, but apparently not many seem to have heard about this. I can sense that all those with chemical backgrounds will possibly need to correct my details, but I went into EE so I didn't have to deal with chem. or meterials....: About a year ago I heard a report from a news source that I consider to be pretty well balanced, NPR news. They reported on a study (I can't remember who did the study now, a gov't contractor or a univ.) that was done on the impact on catalytic converters 20+ years after their introduction, which we all now are standard on all autos (on Motos ?). They're great right? Let me see if I can get this straight... Carbon Dioxide is an air pollutant, and was found to contribute to smog and general poor air quality. Solution? Catalytic converters! Through a catalyst, the CO2 is converted to Nitrous Oxide(?) which does not contribute to air pollution. Problem? Studys have since found that Nitrous Oxide (or whatever it's changed into) is much worse (10 times?) greenhouse gas than CO2 has ever been an air pollutant. So in an effort to lessen air pollution we are even more rapidly exacerbateing a potentially more serious condition. We'll be able to breathe, but we'll wish we couldn't cause it'll be so HOT we'll wish we were DEAD. But, why no suggestions of removing or replacing Cats. with an updated solution. Is it because the study needs to be verified. Or is it because of the indusrty based around converters, as well as the reaserch put into them and the auto's that use them by the BIG 3? And I bet you haven't heard of this. Conspiracy? YOU DECIDE...Additionally, Santa and Satan have the same letters in their names...they both wear red and black. HMMMMMMMM?!?!? KB

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