Santa goes to Christmas!!

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Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Nov 29, 1999 11:17 pm

Santa goes to Christmas!!

Post by » Mon Nov 29, 1999 11:17 pm

Gentle Listers,
Just a brief note to affirm WHY we meet and greet, natter and noggin,and
generally have, as MG folk, a smashing good time doing with and for each
I recently posted a quest for assistance in locating and procuring repair
parts for the only school bus on Kiritimati (Christmas) Island in the mid
Pacific. It belongs to the Catholic mission there, which is in the able hands
of Fra. Gracien Bermond. I met the good padre in 1997 while sailing with old
friend Claude Rothe from Bora Bora to Hawaii. I posted the need to the TABC
list since I knew there would be amongst you some connection to vintage IHC
steering box repair parts. Sure enough several of you offered help, and I'm
pleased to report that Joe Bernert (47MG 48MG), and his employees at Havis
Shields Equipment of Warminster PA have risen to the occasion. The research
for the correct chassis and axle numbers took quite a bit of time with
cummunication having to go back and forth thru my friend in Hawaii to Father
Bermond via a not-too-reliable phone/fax patch. In short, when the numbers
were found, and with considerable help from the IHC.... well, in Joe's words:

Thank you Joe and your gang!
And thank you MG... it's the Magic: the people, don't you know!

Bill Tantau

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