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scott quillen
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nklr katrina response

Post by scott quillen » Wed Sep 07, 2005 5:20 am

Here's an interesting take on the Katrina aftermath... http://tiadaily.com/php-bin/news/showArticle.php?id=1026 Regards, Scott --------------------------------- Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Eric L. Green
Posts: 837
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nklr katrina response

Post by Eric L. Green » Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:00 pm

On Wed, 7 Sep 2005, scott quillen wrote:
> Here's an interesting take on the Katrina aftermath... > > http://tiadaily.com/php-bin/news/showArticle.php?id=1026
I can't believe it. I just can't f'ing believe it. Why are people blaming the VICTIMS? That's sick. That's just sick sick sick sick SICK, saying that the victims are to blame because they're just a bunch of buck savage Negros who just wanna shoot rescuers and rape our white people. That's the sort of attitude I'd expect from 1955, not from 2005. I thought that this EVIL had at least slithered under its pointy white sheet to where it was embarrassed to show its face. But I guess not. I guess not. Look, I've taught in the schools where these supposed "savages" go. I've worked census in black neighborhoods. I've walked up to every house in a black neighborhood, and after explaining that I was from the census bureau and why I was gathering the data the bureau had asked me to gather, there were no more gracious people on this earth (in fact the *ONLY* time I ever got a shotgun pointed at me was in a white neighborhood). I've talked to overwhelmed parents, working three jobs to survive, whose kids are being raised by elderly aunts and uncles because on most days they're working before their kids get up in the morning and still at work when their kids go to bed at night (yeah, "lazy" negros, yeah right, get back under your effin' sheet, Mr. KKK dude). I've driven down streets where even black people told me "don't go there, Mr. Green, they'll carjack you and kill you for being white", and guess what? It never happened. It never happened. Even when going to talk to the mother of one of my students, whose family ran the neighborhood's crack and black tar trade according to my (black) co-workers. The kid himself, BTW, was smart as a whip. But doomed, where he was and what he was, was all he was ever going to be, and he knew it, and he spent a lot of his time with anger and a far-away look in his eyes, but he was a sweet kid under it all and his ability to feel empathy for his classmates was touching. And I tell you, never, ever did I feel anything but welcome anywhere I went. A more gracious people, more willing to help and share with each other, I have never found. Look, I've talked to survivors of this thing. They say yeah, there were gangs, but the gang-bangers stayed away from the Convention Center and Superdome because of the police presence outside. They survived for five days "without food and water" because they helped each other, because they together went and "looted" (if black) or "found" (if white) food and water that was in the restaurants and stores and cooked it for the hungry crowds, because they swarmed over any hoodlums and stomped them since there were no police to be found actually inside the convention center and what police were around were aiming their guns at the VICTIMS, not at the hoodlums, so they did what they had to do (the Convention Center was *never* overrun by gangs, I mean, you had GERALDO RIVERA in there, did you see gangs? I didn't. I just see suffering people, what are you going to believe, the ludicrous rumors or your very own eyes?). And look: these people say that government actually HINDERED them. Kept supplies they'd ordered via cell phone from coming in. Kept busses they'd ordered via cell phone from coming in. Actually fired SHOTS at them for trying to save themselves when government obviously couldn't, when they tried to walk across the bridge to dry land and safety. When the first relief convoy came up, do you know what they found? You think they found chaos? Hell no. They found a nurse with her arms raised, saying "I have sick children in here, I need some help." They found orderly lines of people, women and children first, patiently waiting to board the buses. Yet if you'd listened to the hysterical rumors, these were all just a buncha buck negro savages rioting and killing each other. I am sorry, I am just so, so angry that people I know, people I love, have been treated this way by their government and, worse yet, by their media and by the rest of the American people. In Lafayette, the rumors going around, my brother says, is that the black people from New Orleans who are in the Cajundome right now are looting and raping and doing armed robberies. It isn't true. The police chief has gone on TV and said it isn't true. But the gun store shelves are empty anyhow because people WANT to believe that the reason those people were stuck at the Convention Center and Superdome was because they're buck savage negros who want to loot and rape white women and children. My god. My GOD. Is this 2005, or 1955? I am just so, so, disgusted, so, so angry. These are AMERICANS, these are PEOPLE, for cryin' out loud, and their government has failed them, has even PREVENTED them from helping themselves, all so a bunch of sick m*****f***ers at FEMA can play stupid bureaucratic paperwork games. I mean, Homeland Security even turned away (at gunpoint!) a flotilla of 500 boats for use in the rescue effort, 500 boats that Cajuns had just brought in from their swampy homeland, because, get this, the Cajuns WEREN'T RESCUE-CERTIFIED! My GOD. Cajuns. People practically BORN on boats. Not qualified to take boats into a drowning city because they don't have some bureaucratic BS piece of paper. Sick. Sick sick sick sick sick. And this is the VICTIMS fault?! Some people's white hoods are constricting the flow of blood to their brains, in my opinion. That is all. -Eric

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nklr katrina response

Post by Chris » Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:24 pm

Yeah, amen to that.
On 9/7/05, scott quillen wrote: > > Here's an interesting take on the Katrina aftermath... > > http://tiadaily.com/php-bin/news/showArticle.php?id=1026 > > Regards, > Scott > > > --------------------------------- > Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > > Archive Quicksearch at: > http://www.angelfire.com/ut/moab/klr650_data_search.html > List sponsored by Dual Sport News at: www.dualsportnews.comhttp://www.dualsportnews.com> > List FAQ courtesy of Chris Krok at: www.bigcee.com/klr650faq.htmlhttp://www.bigcee.com/klr650faq.html> > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Mike Frey
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nklr katrina response

Post by Mike Frey » Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:48 pm

While I try to stay out of the blame game and finger pointing...... An interesting read (and should be non inflammatory) is here, from the October 2004 National Geographic issue. Chilling in its foretelling of the future. The first three paragraphs could have been written yesterday, the fourth one might yet be written: http://www3.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0410/feature5/

Russell Scott
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nklr katrina response

Post by Russell Scott » Wed Sep 07, 2005 1:36 pm

The blame lies squarely on human nature, and its overwhelming ability to make bad decisions and wrong choices. As Job once said "Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble." R

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nklr katrina response

Post by Krgrife@aol.com » Wed Sep 07, 2005 2:14 pm

Eric, Thank you for that eloquent, and correct, response. I'll say no more on this subject, you have said it all. Regards, Kurt [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Anthony Newton
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nklr katrina response

Post by Anthony Newton » Wed Sep 07, 2005 4:06 pm

I find it interesting that you heard "welfare" and "criminals" and assumed a racial thing. I didn't see mention of that in the article. In fact, when I first heard about the attacks on the rescue helicopters, I figured it was some bored redneck who saved his most precious possession (his hunting rifle) when he hopped up to the roof who decided to take potshots to relieve the monotony. I also find it interesting that these people are getting called "looters", since I know they were only getting necessities from the stores they visited. Food, diapers, some utilitarian clothing, and of course the bigscreen TVs that they needed to keep abreast of the news on the city. The latter is especially useful survival gear when the power grid is down. I feel really sorry for the small business owners in the non-flooded areas who had these "visits", since I bet they insurance they have does not cover non-flooding loss, such as things walking out the front door en masse. Luckily, they seem to be torching the buildings afterward (for heat, maybe?) so the people who actually listened to the call for evacuation might get some insurance money back for their livelyhood. The fact that the mayor felt reassigning the police force from Search and Rescue to patrolling for looters and violent offenders tells me he thought that these people were more dangerous to the remaining population than the storm damage and flooding. He must be a damn racist, I wonder where his pointy hood is? Oh, wait, have you seen him? (Here's a hint: he's not the white devil man!) Hard for him to be racist then, huh? Maybe he HAD to reassign the police to save lives? Basically, stupidity is colorless and everyone has it. Stop making excuses for people's actions and saying that it was done "to" them and not "by" them, or you are just fostering the very welfare state in the article you raged against. It's horrible to see the situation down there in the same way it is horrible to see a drunk biker turn himself into a quadrapalegic. You feel bad, but you have to wonder "what the hell were they thinking". Peace. -Fig Eric L. Green wrote:
>On Wed, 7 Sep 2005, scott quillen wrote: > > >>Here's an interesting take on the Katrina aftermath... >> >>http://tiadaily.com/php-bin/news/showArticle.php?id=1026 >> >> > >I can't believe it. I just can't f'ing believe it. Why are people blaming >the VICTIMS? That's sick. That's just sick sick sick sick SICK, saying >that the victims are to blame because they're just a bunch of buck savage >Negros who just wanna shoot rescuers and rape our white people. That's the ... >

Posts: 108
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nklr katrina response

Post by WILLAM GILMORE » Wed Sep 07, 2005 5:09 pm

Well said Eric - I applaud your passion for our true American principals -- equality, justice and compassion. Will "Eric L. Green" wrote:
On Wed, 7 Sep 2005, scott quillen wrote: > Here's an interesting take on the Katrina aftermath... > > http://tiadaily.com/php-bin/news/showArticle.php?id=1026 I can't believe it. I just can't f'ing believe it. Why are people blaming the VICTIMS? That's sick. That's just sick sick sick sick SICK, saying that the victims are to blame because they're just a bunch of buck savage Negros who just wanna shoot rescuers and rape our white people. That's the sort of attitude I'd expect from 1955, not from 2005. I thought that this EVIL had at least slithered under its pointy white sheet to where it was embarrassed to show its face. But I guess not. I guess not. Look, I've taught in the schools where these supposed "savages" go. I've worked census in black neighborhoods. I've walked up to every house in a black neighborhood, and after explaining that I was from the census bureau and why I was gathering the data the bureau had asked me to gather, there were no more gracious people on this earth (in fact the *ONLY* time I ever got a shotgun pointed at me was in a white neighborhood). I've talked to overwhelmed parents, working three jobs to survive, whose kids are being raised by elderly aunts and uncles because on most days they're working before their kids get up in the morning and still at work when their kids go to bed at night (yeah, "lazy" negros, yeah right, get back under your effin' sheet, Mr. KKK dude). I've driven down streets where even black people told me "don't go there, Mr. Green, they'll carjack you and kill you for being white", and guess what? It never happened. It never happened. Even when going to talk to the mother of one of my students, whose family ran the neighborhood's crack and black tar trade according to my (black) co-workers. The kid himself, BTW, was smart as a whip. But doomed, where he was and what he was, was all he was ever going to be, and he knew it, and he spent a lot of his time with anger and a far-away look in his eyes, but he was a sweet kid under it all and his ability to feel empathy for his classmates was touching. And I tell you, never, ever did I feel anything but welcome anywhere I went. A more gracious people, more willing to help and share with each other, I have never found. Look, I've talked to survivors of this thing. They say yeah, there were gangs, but the gang-bangers stayed away from the Convention Center and Superdome because of the police presence outside. They survived for five days "without food and water" because they helped each other, because they together went and "looted" (if black) or "found" (if white) food and water that was in the restaurants and stores and cooked it for the hungry crowds, because they swarmed over any hoodlums and stomped them since there were no police to be found actually inside the convention center and what police were around were aiming their guns at the VICTIMS, not at the hoodlums, so they did what they had to do (the Convention Center was *never* overrun by gangs, I mean, you had GERALDO RIVERA in there, did you see gangs? I didn't. I just see suffering people, what are you going to believe, the ludicrous rumors or your very own eyes?). And look: these people say that government actually HINDERED them. Kept supplies they'd ordered via cell phone from coming in. Kept busses they'd ordered via cell phone from coming in. Actually fired SHOTS at them for trying to save themselves when government obviously couldn't, when they tried to walk across the bridge to dry land and safety. When the first relief convoy came up, do you know what they found? You think they found chaos? Hell no. They found a nurse with her arms raised, saying "I have sick children in here, I need some help." They found orderly lines of people, women and children first, patiently waiting to board the buses. Yet if you'd listened to the hysterical rumors, these were all just a buncha buck negro savages rioting and killing each other. I am sorry, I am just so, so angry that people I know, people I love, have been treated this way by their government and, worse yet, by their media and by the rest of the American people. In Lafayette, the rumors going around, my brother says, is that the black people from New Orleans who are in the Cajundome right now are looting and raping and doing armed robberies. It isn't true. The police chief has gone on TV and said it isn't true. But the gun store shelves are empty anyhow because people WANT to believe that the reason those people were stuck at the Convention Center and Superdome was because they're buck savage negros who want to loot and rape white women and children. My god. My GOD. Is this 2005, or 1955? I am just so, so, disgusted, so, so angry. These are AMERICANS, these are PEOPLE, for cryin' out loud, and their government has failed them, has even PREVENTED them from helping themselves, all so a bunch of sick m*****f***ers at FEMA can play stupid bureaucratic paperwork games. I mean, Homeland Security even turned away (at gunpoint!) a flotilla of 500 boats for use in the rescue effort, 500 boats that Cajuns had just brought in from their swampy homeland, because, get this, the Cajuns WEREN'T RESCUE-CERTIFIED! My GOD. Cajuns. People practically BORN on boats. Not qualified to take boats into a drowning city because they don't have some bureaucratic BS piece of paper. Sick. Sick sick sick sick sick. And this is the VICTIMS fault?! Some people's white hoods are constricting the flow of blood to their brains, in my opinion. That is all. -Eric Archive Quicksearch at: http://www.angelfire.com/ut/moab/klr650_data_search.html List sponsored by Dual Sport News at: www.dualsportnews.com List FAQ courtesy of Chris Krok at: www.bigcee.com/klr650faq.html Yahoo! Groups Links [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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nklr katrina response

Post by Jim » Wed Sep 07, 2005 6:05 pm

I can't seem to get this historic tragedy out of my mind and I have been thinking all kinds of thoughts about it lately. One thing I have trouble understanding is why was there not more cooperation between the folks trapped in that situation? I have to believe that if I was in the superdome or the convention center, and all of you out there in DSN_KLR650-land were there, with our families, we would have at least taken out the human waste. Hell, I would have been the first volunteer, to get the ball rolling...outside if you know what I mean. May as well include the trash and we could even look out for one another and form our own night watchmen and security detail. How about a communications committee and don't forget a top notch government lobbist. Am I way off base here or ??? I suppose there may have been truly good things that happened but the good things don't make the news? Help me here. --Jim A-15
>As Job once said "Man that is born of > a woman is of few days and full of trouble." > > R

Don Bittle
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nklr katrina response

Post by Don Bittle » Wed Sep 07, 2005 6:27 pm

Eric, Ditto from this old fart. Our 3 weeks in NO this spring made us wish we could live there. Wonderful people. No problems on the streetcars or busses. We did stay out of certain areas, much as we would in Chicago and St. Louis, but every place has this. Our only problem was with a drunk white 20 something and I'm sure he was a tourist. And I say again, we'll be back to our old haunts in 6 months. Why? Because NO will never die. don
> Well said Eric - I applaud your passion for our true American > principals -- equality, justice and compassion. > > Will > > "Eric L. Green" wrote: > > > I can't believe it. I just can't f'ing believe it. Why are people blaming > the VICTIMS? That's sick.

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