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Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2001 4:33 pm
Thanks Dash, Learned what I needed to know from your information and thanks Ron for telling us what a KSI = to. Makes good sense to those of us not in the know without getting to involved as to be boring for those whom don't want to know Too Much; -- Best Regards & Happy Trails Andy Chesley @ 57 and ticking in Jennings in SW Louisiana Y2KLR650 @ 8+K sMiles 97 R11RA (Amiga) @ 16+K sMiles So Many Roads, So Little Time


Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 12:43 pm
by Lawrence
Hi, All I have seen much here on tightening loose bolts. My machine is just one year old, with about 2,500 mi, and I have yet to see a loose anything (other than the hand guards which I broke and knocked off while crashing). Whenever I take anything off, I use the removable thread stuff (like locktight, Home Depot version) when I put it back on. When you all check, do you put a wrench on them, or just look? If you put a wrench on them to check tightness, does that disengage the lock-tight stuff? Do you need to undo them all the way, recoat, and reassemble? How often would you go through that ordeal? I am pretty sure our dealer here in Boise does a nice assembly job, including I suspect using lock-tight on anything they assemble. Is that why I do not have problem, or am I missing in my method of checking? Regards, Larry Leach

service manual... is there a supplement?

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 3:12 pm
by JRC
There is a supplement, but the Clymer's manual is very good. The shop manual may be more than you need for 99% of the work you'll be doing.