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:nklr: laser pro duro

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2001 11:43 am
In a message dated 10/17/01 9:29:37 PM Central Daylight Time, writes: > #1) The Laser Pro Duro is probably not USFS certified because it is a European unit and it is just getting into the American market. #2) If you get caught riding on USFS land, BLM land, or usually State Park land without USFS approved spark arrestor, you are normally screwed. You will get a healthy ticket. If the Ranger has had a shitty day, or didn't get any last night, or you if you give a little attitude, you might lose your bike until after your court appearance. Check with Fred or Dennis Kirk and see if the slip on spark arrestors would fit the Duro, of course you would need the Duro can's measurement numbers. The clamp on cans are USFS approved. #3) You could inadvertently start a fire. I'm not BS'ng you. An exhaust without a spark arrestor can start fires. Jim AMA585601

nklr: high prices/fork braces

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2001 11:58 am
In a message dated 10/17/01 9:29:37 PM Central Daylight Time, writes: >but have ...
low? I still cannot believe the prices for a frickin' fork brace. Jeff >> Jeff, I understand your feelings about this, but if you are going to ride a KLR you'll have to get used to it. I can remember in the late 80's and early to mid 90's where you could not find squat for the KLR. Support for the KLR has been a recent thing as time goes. I don't like the high prices either, but if I want something bad enough, I'll have to cough up the dinero. That is just the way it is. Even though us DS riders think there are plenty of us around to support market research and subsequent manufacturing, it really is not true. When it comes to actual motorcycle types, no mopeds or scooters allowed, DS bikes are the minority in the bike world. The after market guys go with the money. If they can get $250.00 off of the GSXR guy, instead of $50.00 off of you, they are going to put more emphasis on the sport bike riders. I know it sucks, but that is the capitalistic world. Follow the money. Jim AMA585601