Re: dxf export/import queries [2 Attachments]

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dxf export/import queries

Post by RowlandCarson » Fri Mar 25, 2016 12:38 am

Attachments :
  1. [url=file:///C:\Users\thorstenlemke\AppData\Local\PG Offline 4\Attachments\cadintoshmac\project 1 original all.pdf]project 1 original all.pdf[/url]
  1. [url=file:///C:\Users\thorstenlemke\AppData\Local\PG Offline 4\Attachments\cadintoshmac\project 1 (pen ind) DXF.pdf]project 1 (pen ind) DXF.pdf[/url]
Thorsten has given me some help with DXF export problems, but there are remaining issues.

I started experimenting with DXF because it appears that many of my files created in earlier versions of CADintosh are causing printing problems with the current version and I thought that going through the DXF format might strip out the things that are problematic. Well that does seem to help those issues - however, I hoped that exporting to DXF and then opening the DXF file in CADintosh would show a drawing unchanged from the original but that is not so.

Attached are PDFs to illustrate.

The file "project 1 original all.pdf” is how the original drawing looks.

The file "project 1 (pen ind) DXF.pdf” is how it looks when the DXF export is opened again in CADintosh.

I see 3 main types of difference:

(1) All area fills have been lost - note the “BALANCE HERE” arrow and the black-and white striped scale rule.

(2) All arrow lines from text to the relevant objects have been lost.

(3) The dimension relating to the scale rule has moved away from its correct position both horizontally and vertically.

Are these effects appearing because of some inherent limitation of the DXF file format?

If not, is there a bug in the CADintosh DXF export/import process?

If neither of the above, is there anything I can do differently to prevent such effects occurring?

The original CADintosh file is available in my Dropbox at:

if anyone wishes to test the effects for themselves (switch Drawing mode to Individual in Options>Pens before DXF export).

in friendship


| Rowland Carson ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...
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Re: dxf export/import queries [2 Attachments]

Post by thorstenlemke » Fri Mar 25, 2016 8:26 am

Attachments :Hello Rowland,

DXF version 14/15 has limited features (i.e. no fillings, no storage of the scale, ...).
So, not a bug - just the limitations of the DXF format.

So, export and import of DXF will cause a loss of data.

So, just e-mail a problem file and we will check it.


> On 25.03.2016, at 00:38, Rowland Carson [cadintoshmac] wrote:
> Thorsten has given me some help with DXF export problems, but there are remaining issues.
> I started experimenting with DXF because it appears that many of my files created in earlier versions of CADintosh are causing printing problems with the current version and I thought that going through the DXF format might strip out the things that are problematic. Well that does seem to help those issues - however, I hoped that exporting to DXF and then opening the DXF file in CADintosh would show a drawing unchanged from the original but that is not so.

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