Re: Symbol of a symbol

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Ken Gillett
Posts: 18
Joined: Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:55 am

Symbol of a symbol

Post by Ken Gillett » Sat Jul 25, 2015 12:52 pm

Is it possible to have a symbol that is based on another symbol? So when the first symbol is updated, the second symbol will reflect this also. Is it possible to add in a symbol when creating a symbol?

Ken G i l l e t t


Posts: 127
Joined: Sun Oct 13, 2013 7:45 pm

Re: Symbol of a symbol

Post by thorstenlemke » Sat Jul 25, 2015 9:01 pm

Dear Ken,
what would be the usage of such a function?

Is it possible to have a symbol that is based on another symbol? So when the first symbol is updated, the second symbol will reflect this also. Is it possible to add in a symbol when creating a symbol?

Ken G i l l e t t

Ken Gillett
Posts: 18
Joined: Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:55 am

Re: Symbol of a symbol

Post by Ken Gillett » Sat Jul 25, 2015 9:10 pm

Well I want to be able to create multiple instances of a graphic but be able to modify just the one base graphic and for all instances to reflect the modification. A symbol is perfect for this.

However, I then also want a variation of that symbol, but which will also change to reflect any modifications of that original symbol, so I want to be able to place a symbol in the editing window of the new symbol, so the new symbol will incorporate the original symbol yet auto update when that first symbol is changed.

I think in normalised database terms so this seems perfectly obvious to me, but I realise not everyone will see a use for it. I guess that by your question it cannot currently be done?

> On 25 Jul 2015, at 20:01, Thorsten Lemke [cadintoshmac] wrote:
> Dear Ken,
> what would be the usage of such a function?
> Thorsten
>> Is it possible to have a symbol that is based on another symbol? So when the first symbol is updated, the second symbol will reflect this also. Is it possible to add in a symbol when creating a symbol?
>> Ken G i l l e t t

Ken G i l l e t t



Re: Symbol of a symbol

Post by Guest » Mon Aug 24, 2015 11:40 am

Diese Funktion der virtuellen Kopien kenne ich aus Calamus. Dort ist es möglich, Objekte entweder als physische oder als virtuelle Kopien anzulegen.
Dies hat den Vorteile, dass man an Änderungen (zB der Farbe von Fensterrahmen) lediglich die Farbe eines Objekts verändern muss - alle anderen virtuellen Kopien dieses Objekts folgen der Änderung ohne weiteres Zutun. Natürlich kann man virtuelle Kopien in pysische umwandeln - und ggf auch zurück - so die Objekte identisch sind. Vielleicht kann Ulf Dunkel ( mehr hierzu sagen.

Ralf (Stutzenberger)

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