Symbol Management

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Roger Diggle
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Feb 24, 2010 10:17 am

Symbol Management

Post by Roger Diggle » Wed Feb 24, 2010 10:17 am

I've been test-driving CADintosh. I did the tutorial a couple
of days ago, and things worked as expected, mostly. Then I
decided to try making an electrical drawing.

However, I'm having trouble with the Symbol Management
function. No matter what I've tried, the Symbol Menu item
"Management ... " remains grayed out. I feel like I must be
missing something that's in plain sight - but I can't open any
symbol libraries. I believe it worked during the tutorial with
the symbols I created. But since, reading the help file and
trying to follow it exactly - plus a lot of experimenting - have
gotten me nowhere.

Speaking of items hidingin plain site ... I can't find the
tutorial file, now that I've gone through it. I downloaded a
fresh copy of the software, and don't find it among the
offerings there, either. The web site seems ti indicate that
the tutorial comes with the App. If I knew the file name, I
could do a disk search.

Thanks in advance for any hints anyone can pass along!


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